Wen-Ting Wu
I am working on numerical algebra and scientific computing, especially on randomized numerical algebra. I am passionate about collaboration.
I am working on numerical algebra and scientific computing, especially on randomized numerical algebra. I am passionate about collaboration.
Randomized iteration methods
Large-scale system of linear equations
CT reconstruction problem
"The equivalence of the randomized extended Gauss-Seidel and randomized extended Kaczmarz methods"
by L. Wang and W.-T. Wu
Calcolo, vol. 62, art. 16, 2025, 24 pp.
"Randomized Kaczmarz iteration methods: Algorithmic extensions and convergence theory"
by Z.-Z. Bai and W.-T. Wu
Japan Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics, vol. 40, iss. 3, pp. 1421–1443, 2023.
"On two-subspace randomized extended Kaczmarz method for solving large linear least-squares problems"
by W.-T. Wu
Numerical Algorithms, vol. 89, iss. 1, pp. 1-31, 2022.
"On greedy randomized average block Kaczmarz method for solving large linear systems"
by C.-Q. Miao and W.-T. Wu
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, vol. 413, 114372, 2022, 15 pp.
"On convergence of the partially randomized extended Kaczmarz method"
by W.-T. Wu
East Asian Journal on Applied Mathematics, vol. 12, iss. 2, pp. 435-448, 2022.
"On greedy randomized augmented Kaczmarz method for solving large sparse inconsistent linear systems"
by Z.-Z. Bai and W.-T. Wu
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, vol. 43, iss. 6, pp. A3892-A3911, 2021.
"On convergence rate of the randomized Gauss-Seidel method"
by Z.-Z. Bai, L. Wang and W.-T. Wu
Linear Algebra and its Applications, vol. 611, pp. 237-252, 2021.
"On relaxed filtered Krylov subspace method for non-symmetric eigenvalue problems"
by C.-Q. Miao and W.-T. Wu
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, vol. 398, 113698, 2021, 15 pp.
"The power method and beyond"
by Z.-Z. Bai, W.-T. Wu and G.V. Muratova
Applied Numerical Mathematics, vol. 164, pp. 29-42, 2021.
"On refinement of the generalized Bendixson theorem"
by Z.-Z. Bai and W.-T. Wu
Applied Numerical Mathematics, vol. 164, pp. 125-138, 2021.
"On greedy randomized coordinate descent methods for solving large linear least-squares problems"
by Z.-Z. Bai and W.-T. Wu
Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications, vol. 26, iss. 4, e2237, 2019, 15 pp.
"On partially randomized extended Kaczmarz method for solving large sparse overdetermined inconsistent linear systems"
by Z.-Z. Bai and W.-T. Wu
Linear Algebra and its Applications, vol. 578, pp. 225-250, 2019.
"On minimization of upper bound for the convergence rate of the QHSS iteration method"
by W.-T. Wu
Communications on Applied Mathematics and Computation, vol. 1, iss. 2, pp. 263-282, 2019.
"On convergence rate of the randomized Kaczmarz method"
by Z.-Z. Bai and W.-T. Wu
Linear Algebra and its Applications, vol. 553, pp. 252-269, 2018.
"On relaxed greedy randomized Kaczmarz methods for solving large sparse linear systems"
by Z.-Z. Bai and W.-T. Wu
Applied Mathematics Letters, vol. 83, pp. 21-26, 2018.
"On greedy randomized Kaczmarz method for solving large sparse linear systems"
by Z.-Z. Bai and W.-T. Wu
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, vol. 40, iss. 1, pp. A592-A606, 2018.